Dear Sony,
I'm sorry, I have some bad news for you. I know its seems like I've been picking on you a lot lately but its about to get worse. Your sleek, expensive console likely can't recover from its horrible launch. This is hard for me to admit because I bought one of your expensive DVD players but I guess this proves the adage, "the truth hurts."
Lets just make it easy on everyone and admit your system was more disappointing then the Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump fued (I was hoping to get a Celebrity Boxing match out of it). Think I'm full of it? I'll let my top 5 do the talking.
Top 5 Reasons Why the PS3 is Toast
1. No Killer Apps - Why are there stacks of PS3's on store shelves? Because video game consoles live and die on games, not technology. The Wii is a perfect example. If the games are there, the system will sell, plain and simple. The PS3 has no killer app that make gamers want to buy the system. Resistance: Fall of Man you say? Sorry, but not good enough. Metal Gear 4 and Final Fantasy? They won't be out until late this year. So should a gamer invest their money in a system with no great games? They aren't so far and with no great titles looming on the horizon, they won't be anytime soon.
2. Price Point - Mmm...$250, $400 or $600? Which would you rather pay for a video game console? For the a lot of people who buy consoles, especially parents who buy them for their kids, a cheaper system just makes more sense. A $600 system that does pretty much what the $250 and $400 console does doesn't seem like a good financial decision. A PS3 price drop would be a smart move, but at this point it would more or less mean Sony was admitting defeat.
3. The PS2 - Surprisingly the PS3's biggest adversary isn't the Wii or the 360, it is its little brother the PS2. The PS2 was a huge seller this Christmas due to its large library of games and a great price point. Nintendo fans (tired of the GameCube) were ready for an upgrade as were Xbox loyalists (who always played second fiddle to the PS2). Evidentally Sony fanboys aren't.
4. Multi-platform games - ...are killing the PS3. There is nothing on the PS3 that you can't get on another system and its more than likely already been out for awhile. With very few console exclusive games (or games that are really must owns) there are just no titles identifiable with the PS3 to make it a must have system.
5. The Wii and Xbox 360 - If the PS3 was the only system available, I wouldn't be calling for its head but this is a buyers market. The Wii and the 360 offer more innovation, better games and greater online features at a lower price. And considering the number of great titles coming up for the Xbox 360 alone (have you heard about this game called Halo 3?), the gaming quality will be hard for the PS3 to match anytime soon. As my grandpappy used to say - Why eat hamburger when you can have steak?
So there you are Sony, proof that your system is a bigger dud than Lindsay Lohan's latest album, the "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" video game or even the movie "Battlefield Earth". But don't feel bad, you still have a strong brand name and I'm more than willing to help you design the PS4. For a small fee.
Yeah not many games on the PS3. This is true. AND what's worse, the games that ARE on it don't even run at decent frames per second! Every game I've seen on the PS3 that had any kind of decent graphics, caused the PS3 to slow down to something like 25 frames per second. As a PC gamer with 2 brand new video cards running SLI and a decent processor, you're going to have to come out with something REALLY special for me to play ANY CONSOLE, let alone one that drops to 25 frames per second. Please.....After all the hype about the great processor and great graphics, I say bah. It doesn't matter how pretty something looks when it's supposed to be in MOTION and it's all sluggish 'n whatnot. The processor might be great on the PS3 but the video (card?) kinda sucks, guys.
I forgot to say: I'm going to buy a Wii at my first opportunity.
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