...the Xbox 360. According to the January NPD report, the Xbox 360 earned a 51% market share outselling the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii combined during November and December. Last month alone, there were 1.1 million 360's, 604,200 Wii's and 490,700 PS3's sold.
But the 360 wasn't even the best selling console. The PlayStation 2 was outsold Microsoft's console by 300K units (the DS remains #1, selling 1.6 million units in December). To date, Sony has sold 37.1 million PS2's in North America. Wow! And just in case you're curious, the top 3 selling games of 2006 were Madden, The New Super Mario Bros and Gears of War.
So why is the PS2 still selling? Why isn't the PS3 making the PS2 as obsolete as the 360 has made the original Xbox?
Contrary to popular belief, its not an availability issue. Sure, around its launch the PS3 was as hard to find as snow shovel at a hardware store (at least in Colorado) but right now finding a PlayStation 3 is a piece of cake. Why? Two big reasons -there are no games for it and it costs $600!
The lack of a killer app is killing (pun intended) the PS3. With a few exceptions, there are no games on the system that you can't play on the 360 or the Wii and even those exceptions aren't driving gamers to buy the console like a Halo 3 or a game of that magnitude would. Throw in its weak online features (store, communicating with friends seriously need work), its generic menu, its lack of innovation compared to its competition (the 360's online play and the Wii's controller), the PS2's affordablitly and its no wonder there are a bunch of PS3 consoles collecting dust on the shelves.
Things have gotten so bad, Bill Gates isn't even afraid of the PS3 anymore. Check out this recent quote from Billy during an interview on Japanese TV:
“The strength of Nintendo…has been very impressive, and I think surprised a lot of people--and the strength of the Wii. We see Nintendo as the toughest competition”
And right now, can anyone honestly say that he's wrong?
I bought a ps3 last month ang I must say i think the ps3 is nothing but a fraud, there are only few games for it and almost all of them are already in the 360, i played gears of war in my cousin's 360 and it was just amazing, "GOW" has better graphics than any other ps3 game and now i'm selling my ps3 to buy an 360 and a wii,bying a ps it was just disapointing, don't make my mistake buy a 360 or a wii!!
I don't have a next-gen console yet but i think the 360 will win the console wars because The ps3 is just over hyped, under produced and OVER PRICED!! YES no one denies it its a really advanced machine but let's face it, The real fight wiil be between the wii and the xbox 360, If i buy a next-gen console it will surely be an 360 or a wii
I think the winner will be the 360, no one else
I have a ps3 too, do you any guys think I should sell it as well?
The next gen console winner (so far) is.......the Xbox 360. According to the January NPD report, the Xbox 360 earned a 51% market share outselling the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii combined during November and December. Last month alone, there were 1.1 million 360's, 604,200 Wii's and 490,700 PS3's sold. SHOULD WE EXPLAIN IT TO THAT FUCKING MORON IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE IN ANOTHER IDIOM OR WHAT?? OF COURSE YOU SHOULD SELL IT BUY A WII OR A 360 OR BOTH!! WITH THE PS3'S MONEY YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO BUY BOTH CONSOLES, DONT WASTE YOUR TIME JUST DO IT!!!
ok ill buy a wii or a 360
hey guys the wii just rocks maybe nintendo's wii can't be compared to th 360 in the matter of graphics or online gaming but it will surely be a pain in the ass to the xbox 360, dont you guys think?
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