That being said, I'm still looking for more reader input and my dream of building a local gaming community is still unrealized. If you have a topic you'd like to discuss, some cheat codes you'd like to share or a cool website you want to give some love to - let me know.
As for a local gaming network, I know I've let this slide a little but lets really get things going. If you send me your gamer tag, I promise to add you to my friends list or if you prefer, I can post a list of gamer tags for anyone interested in playing anyone. Just give me your tag and your favorite online games. Can you imagine how cool it would be to have a 50 - 100 person clan list for Halo 2? Or an All-Colorado unit in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter? Now that would be fun.
Just to remind everyone, my gamer tag is coloradojoe.
GT: FrostyMelon
You guys ever think about making a game rather than just talking/writing about them?
FrostyMelon, I'll send you a friend invite sometime today.
yoshinot, making a game would be a blast! The only problem for me would be that I'd want my hand in every single aspect of development. It would take me years to complete it.
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