Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tale of the Tape: NBA 2K7 vs. NBA Live '07

I like to think of gaming companies 2K and EA as having a big brother, little brother relationship. For years EA has pounded on little bro 2K but now 2K is getting bigger and stronger and EA now has to rely on its savvy more than its strength. Or maybe I'm thinking about me and my little brother, I don't remember.

When it comes to sports games, there are die-hard EA and 2K guys who swear by their perspective titles. Trying to convince one is better than the other is like trying to talk a Bronco fan into rooting for the Chiefs - its just not going to happen. As an unbiased third party (I personally love both companies), I'm here to measure up each franchises basketball titles for those who just want the best pro hoops game available. Let's take a look at both games in... (booming announcer guy-type voice) THE TALE OF THE TAPE.

Graphics - 2K7 is pretty...but its not Live pretty. Let me put it this way, 2K7 is a Mini Cooper (Mary Ann) and Live is a tricked out Escalade (Ginger).
Edge: Live '07

Multi-player - Live has online play but no leagues or menus that make it easy to find a friend, 2K7 has leagues and online tournaments with an easy to follow menu.
Edge: 2K7

Create-a-player - Live has over 50 attributes (Rebouding IQ? Are you serious?) and you can buy enough shoes to embarrass my mother. 2K7's player creator looks the same as last year.
Edge: Live '07

Soundtrack - Live has Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy". I love that song! 2K7 has A Tribe Called Quest, a group that (previous to this year) hadn't been together since 1998. Way to stay current on the music scene 2K.
Edge: Live '07

Game play: offense - In Live, the computer will double and even triple team you but its still easy to score as your player drives by defenders like an adult playing Kindergarteners. In 2K, bad passes will get picked off and the game discourages one on one play.
Edge: 2K7

Game play: defense - In Live, if you make a mistake while covering a defender you're toast. Rebounding is almost impossible. In 2K7, you can play tight D and rebounding a ball can actually happen occasionally.
Edge: 2K7

Game play: player control/appearance - 2K has the shot pro stick, which is okay, but EA's Freestyle control stick is a little more intuitive. EA's players look good but still move like video game characters. 2K's player models aren't as pretty but move just like real people.
Edge: Push

Game announcers - This isn't even close, Live's Marv Albert and Steve Kerr are so good, it feels like they're sitting next to you calling your game. Kevin Harlan and Kenny Smith pale in comparison.
Edge: Live '07

Biggest Disapointment - For 2K, I'm most disappointed by the graphics, which look untouched from last year. While players move realistically, they still look like their on skates sometimes. For Live, the online menu is a real bummer. I'm also surprised by how few modes there were to choose from.
Edge: 2K7

Biggest surprise - For 2K, I hate to repeat myself but the online component is great. For Live, I loved the ESPN integration. Watching clips from PTI and getting updates on the days sporting events every 20 minutes was awesome. The fully customizable Slam Dunk contest is also fun to play with.
Edge: Live '07

And the winner is... NBA Live '07, by a nose. The gap is getting smaller every year but big brother EA still can bring it. Live just looks and plays a little more polished than 2K7. Maybe next year little brother, maybe next year.

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