Superman or Superdud? - Gaming giant EA announced that "Superman Returns: The Videogame" will be released in conjunction with the new movie this summer and will feature the voices of Brandon Routh (Superman/Clark Kent), Kevin Spacey (Lex Luthor), Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane) and Parker Posey (Kitty Kowalski). I just hope this game doesn't stink as much as the N64 Superman game, which still ranks as one of the worst video games of all time.
PGR 3 Speed Pack - A new "Project Gotham Racing 3" Speed Pack is now available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace for 400 Microsoft Points (roughly $5). The pack includes 12 new cars, new Xbox Live Achievement points and other new game play enhancements.
Colton White on the move - "Gun" will get its debut on a handheld system when it is released this summer on the PSP. While no details are certain, it looks like some slight improvments will be made to game play but the portable version will be a little shorter. Unlike the console version, there will be some multi-player options available on the PSP version.
Call of Duty PC update - The Xbox 360 version of "Call of Duty 2" recently received an update and now its the PC versions turn. The release date has not been confirmed but will include anti-cheat software and two new multi-player maps. Expect it within the next 3 weeks.
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